WYC Written Tests Dinghy Novice Test Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. Dinghy Novice Test WYC Member Sign In Why are you taking this test?For practiceAs a final exam to receive my rating 1 / 77 1. Using the diagram below, fill in sailboat part that corresponds to the letter. What is sailboat part A? Check 2 / 77 2. What is sailboat part B? Check 3 / 77 3. What is sailboat part C? Check 4 / 77 4. What is sailboat part D? Check 5 / 77 5. What is sailboat part E? Check 6 / 77 6. What is sailboat part F? Check 7 / 77 7. What is sailboat part G? Check 8 / 77 8. What is sailboat part H? Check 9 / 77 9. What is sailboat part I? Check 10 / 77 10. What is sailboat part J? Check 11 / 77 11. What is sailboat part K? Check 12 / 77 12. What is sailboat part L? Check 13 / 77 13. What is sailboat part M? Check 14 / 77 14. What is sailboat part N? Check 15 / 77 15. What is sailboat part O? Check 16 / 77 16. What is sailboat part P? Check 17 / 77 17. What is sailboat part Q? Check 18 / 77 18. What is sailboat part R? Check 19 / 77 19. What is sailboat part S? Check 20 / 77 20. What is sailboat part T? Check 21 / 77 21. What is sailboat part U? Check 22 / 77 22. What is sailboat part V? Check 23 / 77 23. What is sailboat part W? Check 24 / 77 24. What is sailboat part X? Check 25 / 77 25. What tack is Boat A on? a. Port b. Starboard 26 / 77 26. What tack is Boat B on? a. Port b. Starboard 27 / 77 27. What tack is Boat C on? a. Port b. Starboard 28 / 77 28. What point of sail is Boat A on? Check 29 / 77 29. What point of sail is Boat B on? Check 30 / 77 30. What point of sail is Boat C on? Check 31 / 77 31. Club dinghies may be sailed: a. from 9 AM to 5 PM. b. any time. c. any time a Chief is present d. only during daylight hours. 32 / 77 32. Prior to leaving a boat unattended at the docks, one needs to: a. tie the bow and stern to the dock. b. raise the sails and tie only the bow to the dock. c. cleat all the lines and raise the sails. d. tie the boat to the dock with mainsail dropped (DH) or boat capsized on the dock (SH). 33 / 77 33. Novices and Intermediates may sail in the following locations: a. Union Bay and Portage Bay only. b. Union Bay only. c. Union Bay and Lake Washington only. d. any fresh water east of the Aurora Bridge. 34 / 77 34. With a novice rating you may sail unsupervised in winds up to: a. 7 knots b. 10 knots c. 15 knots d. 25 knots 35 / 77 35. With an intermediate rating you may sail unsupervised in winds up to: a. 7 knots b. 10 knots c. 15 knots d. 25 knots 36 / 77 36. The responsibility for knowing the current wind speed lies with: a. Chiefs. b. all members going sailing. c. the WAC staff. 37 / 77 37. The rescue whaler may be used by: a. Chiefs and Instructors. b. any member in case of emergency, other use only by Skippers. c. any member in case of emergency, other use only by Chiefs, Instructors, and members with a whaler rating. d. any trained member. 38 / 77 38. What is a federal regulation concerning Coast Guard approved life vests? a. Life vests should be worn in heavy winds, otherwise not needed. b. Bring one life vest per person on board. c. Only non-swimmers need life vests. 39 / 77 39. Non-swimmers and guests are required to: a. wear ski belts while on Club boats. b. wear Coast Guard approved life vests at all times. c. have float cushions in the boat. d. have Coast Guard approved life vests in the boat. 40 / 77 40. About how long would a moderately dressed person immersed in Union Bay in winter be capable of self-assistance? a. 3 – 10 minutes b. 45 minutes c. 2 hours d. 10 hours 41 / 77 41. Sailing near a lee shore is dangerous because: a. the wind is stronger there and you may capsize. b. navigational rules require 300 ft. clearance on lee shores. c. driftwood blows onto lee shores and you may bang up or crack the bottom of your boat. d. you may run aground and be unable to sail upwind to get away. 42 / 77 42. Main sail(s) should be raised: a. as soon as you reach the boat. b. after the boat is in the water, but before leaving the dock. c. while the boat is on the dock. d. after you have left the dock. 43 / 77 43. When docking, your boat should: a. point downwind with the sails luffing. b. point into the dock to stop the boat. c. point upwind with the sails luffing. d. have the jib filled to maintain steerageway. 44 / 77 44. Wet dacron sails are: a. hung to dry. b. laid flat to dry. c. rolled and put away. d. stuffed into sailbags. 45 / 77 45. Sails should be rolled only: a. on the asphalt. b. on the wooden part of the docks. c. in the WAC hallway. 46 / 77 46. When sailing upwind, the best sail trim is when: a. the sails are on the verge of luffing. b. you can sit comfortably on the side. c. you sheet in until the boat heels about 15 degrees. d. the boom is sheeted to the centerline. 47 / 77 47. In general, when running downwind, the best sail trim is when: a. the boom is pulled in close to the centerline to prevent the sail from luffing. b. the mainsail is let out so the wind strikes the sail at a 90 degree angle. c. the boom is parallel with the telltales on the shroud. d. you have six feet of mainsheet coiled in the bottom of the boat. 48 / 77 48. By International Regulations for Avoiding Collisions at Sea (COLREGS), in general, given two sailboats sailing and all other things equal, which boat has right-of-way? a. The windward boat. b. The leeward boat. 49 / 77 49. By International Regulations for Avoiding Collisions at Sea (COLREGS), in general, given two sailboats sailing and all other things equal, which boat has right-of-way? a. One sailing on port tack. b. One sailing on starboard tack. 50 / 77 50. Determine if the boat in the diagram below tacked or jibed. For this question, assume the wind is running from the top of the diagram (12 o'clock) to the bottom of the diagram (6 o'clock). a. Jibe b. Tack 51 / 77 51. Determine if the boat in the diagram below tacked or jibed. For this question, assume the wind is running from the top of the diagram (12 o'clock) to the bottom of the diagram (6 o'clock). a. Jibe b. Tack 52 / 77 52. Determine if the boat in the diagram below tacked or jibed. For this question, assume the wind is running from the top of the diagram (12 o'clock) to the bottom of the diagram (6 o'clock). a. Jibe b. Tack 53 / 77 53. Determine if the boat in the diagram below tacked or jibed. For this question, assume the wind is running from the top of the diagram (12 o'clock) to the bottom of the diagram (6 o'clock). a. Jibe b. Tack 54 / 77 54. Sailing ‘by the lee’ means: a. sailing to the leeward of land. b. sailing downwind with the boom on the windward side. c. sailing towards a lee shore. 55 / 77 55. What is the rule concerning taking out guests? a. only by permission of a Chief. b. not permitted: only members may sail Club boats. c. guests must prove IMA membership and sign the Participant’s Agreement on the website. d. only skippers may take a non-member sailing. 56 / 77 56. Who is responsible for the repair and general maintenance of WYC boats? a. Fleet Captains. b. Chiefs. c. Intermediates & Skippers d. Novices & Intermediates e. All Members 57 / 77 57. Who is responsible for locking the Sail Locker if no other member is present? a. The last Skipper or Novice to leave. b. The last Chief to leave. c. The last Fleet Captain to leave. d. Each member. 58 / 77 58. What should you do if you damage a boat or find damage (choose the best 2 answers) ? a. Contact the WYC Faculty Advisor. b. Fill out the electronic damage form on the website and contact the Fleet Captain. c. Leave it alone; the Fleet Captain will repair it. d. Attempt to repair it if the repair is within your capabilities. 59 / 77 59. In the event of a crew overboard: approach the person from their leeward side. a. True b. False 60 / 77 60. In the event of a crew overboard: yell “Crew Overboard!” a. True b. False 61 / 77 61. In the event of a crew overboard: throw them a floatation device. a. True b. False 62 / 77 62. In the event of a crew overboard: approach the person from their windward side. a. True b. False 63 / 77 63. In the event of a crew overboard: sail up to the person with sails luffing to slow the boat. a. True b. False 64 / 77 64. In the event of a crew overboard: stop well short of the person and have them swim to the boat. a. True b. False 65 / 77 65. Infraction of the Club’s By-Laws is grounds for suspension. a. True b. False 66 / 77 66. Assume that you are in a self-rescuing boat that is capsizing: You can try to get on the centerboard as the boat goes over. a. True b. False 67 / 77 67. Assume that you are in a self-rescuing boat that is capsizing: If your boat turtles and the mast becomes stuck in the mud, bounce on the centerboard to free the mast from the bottom. a. True b. False 68 / 77 68. Assume that you are in a self-rescuing boat that is capsizing: If you do not make it on the centerboard before the mast hits the water, you should try to climb over the hull of the boat from inside the cockpit. a. True b. False 69 / 77 69. The following vessels have right-of-way over sailboats in the Club’s Novice and Intermediate sailing waters: Tugboats with barges. a. True b. False 70 / 77 70. The following vessels have right-of-way over sailboats in the Club’s Novice and Intermediate sailing waters: Boat towing water-skiers. a. True b. False 71 / 77 71. The following vessels have right-of-way over sailboats in the Club’s Novice and Intermediate sailing waters: All powered vessels. a. True b. False 72 / 77 72. The following vessels have right-of-way over sailboats in the Club’s Novice and Intermediate sailing waters: Vessels in the channel restricted by draft. a. True b. False 73 / 77 73. The following vessels have right-of-way over sailboats in the Club’s Novice and Intermediate sailing waters: Seaplanes. a. True b. False 74 / 77 74. The following vessels have right-of-way over sailboats in the Club’s Novice and Intermediate sailing waters: (Slower) Vessels being overtaken. a. True b. False 75 / 77 75. The following vessels have right-of-way over sailboats in the Club’s Novice and Intermediate sailing waters: Swimmers a. True b. False 76 / 77 76. Sailing in or near the shipping channel may be inappropriate when: There are boats limited by draft or weight in the channel. a. True b. False 77 / 77 77. Sailing in or near the shipping channel may be inappropriate when: The channel is busy. a. True b. False Your score is Restart quiz Sailboard Novice Test Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. Sailboard Novice Test WYC Member Sign In Why are you taking this test?For practiceAs a final exam to receive my rating 1 / 55 1. Using the diagram below, fill out the sailboard part that corresponds to the number. What is sailboard part 1? Check 2 / 55 2. What is sailboard part 2? Check 3 / 55 3. What is sailboard part 3? Check 4 / 55 4. What is sailboard part 4? Check 5 / 55 5. What is sailboard part 5? Check 6 / 55 6. What is sailboard part 6? Check 7 / 55 7. What is sailboard part 7? Check 8 / 55 8. What is sailboard part 8? Check 9 / 55 9. What is sailboard part 9? Check 10 / 55 10. What is sailboard part 10? Check 11 / 55 11. What is sailboard part 11? Check 12 / 55 12. What is sailboard part 12? Check 13 / 55 13. You must wear wetsuits from ________ to ________. a. June - August b. September 15 - June 15 c. August 15 - May 15 14 / 55 14. The WYC By-Laws require you to wear wetsuits when _____________. a. There is cold weather and gusty conditions. b. Winds are blowing 15 knots. c. Air temperature is 65°. 15 / 55 15. What is the WYC rule concerning use of life jackets when riding sailboards? a. Life jackets should be worn in heavy winds, otherwise not needed. b. Life jackets must always be worn. c. You must bring a life jacket with you. d. Only Non-swimmers only need life jackets. 16 / 55 16. Sailboard Skippers may sail in _______________. Best Answer only. a. All interconnecting waters East of the Aurora Street Bridge. b. Union Bay and designated areas of Lake Washington. c. Union Bay only. 17 / 55 17. Sailboard novices and intermediates may sail in ____________. a. All interconnecting waters East of the Aurora Street Bridge. b. Union Bay and designated areas of Lake Washington. c. Union Bay only. 18 / 55 18. The easiest part of a board to break is the _____________. a. Boom b. Fin (Skeg) c. Sail 19 / 55 19. In the event of a rating revocation, the person that lost their rating ______________. a. May retake the test after a suspension of 2 quarters. b. May retake the test after a suspension of 10 weeks. c. Will automatically get the rating reinstated in 1 month. 20 / 55 20. In order to start sailing the sailboard, you should plant your feet ___________ when you begin pulling the sail out of the water. a. Aft (behind) of the mast b. Fore (in front of) of the mast c. On either side of the mast 21 / 55 21. The downhaul (cunningham) should always be ______. a. Removed before going sailing. b. Loosened when putting the sail away. c. Tightened when putting the sail away. 22 / 55 22. To steer/adjust the sailboard's direction of travel, _________________. a. Tilt the sail forward (Archer pose) to fall off/move downwind and tilt the sail back (Torro pose) to head upwind. b. Tilt the sail forward (Archer pose) to head upwind and tilt the sail back (Torro pose) to fall off/move downwind. 23 / 55 23. If you are sailing downwind, you may turn to the starboard direction by ________________. a. Leaning the sail far forward. b. Leaning the sail backward. c. Tilting the sail to port. 24 / 55 24. To safely launch from the dock, __________________. a. Place the board in the water adjacent to the dock, get a running start, and jump onto the board. b. Throw the rigged sail as far as you can and paddle the board out to it. c. Throw the board as far as you can, then swim to it. 25 / 55 25. If you are about to ram something, _______________. a. Drop the sail into the water. b. Sheet in. c. Yell “Oh my Goodness”. 26 / 55 26. Archer pose will do what? a. Make you faster. b. Help you go to weather. c. Make the board turn downwind. 27 / 55 27. When overpowered, you should ____________________. a. Fill the sail as quickly as you can by falling backwards into the wind. b. Gradually fill the sail with air and don’t fully sheet in. c. Never pull the sail up all the way vertical. 28 / 55 28. If the rig, board, and you all become separated, ____________. a. Swim to the rig and then pull it to the board. b. Swim to the board and then paddle it to the rig. c. Don’t move because the board will always drift to you. 29 / 55 29. When you’re launching, you should ________________. a. Launch as far upwind as you can and make upwind progress at the start of your session. b. Launch as far downwind as you can and go straight downwind to start your session. 30 / 55 30. On the wind clock, where can’t you sail (also known as in chains/in irons or the splash zone)? a. 10:30 to 1:30 b. 9:00 to 5:00 c. 4:30 to 7:30 d. It’s 5 o’clock somewhere! 31 / 55 31. When you can’t get back to the docks: Keep on trying until you exhaust yourself. a. True b. False 32 / 55 32. When you can’t get back to the docks: You may separate the rig from the universal joint, place the rig on the board, and paddle back with the rig on the board under you. a. True b. False 33 / 55 33. When you can’t get back to the docks: You may leave the sail rig in the water and paddle on the board to nearest shore. a. True b. False 34 / 55 34. When you can’t get back to the docks: Float on the sail until help comes. a. True b. False 35 / 55 35. When you can’t get back to the docks: Abandon the sail rig and the board in the water and swim to the WYC dock. a. True b. False 36 / 55 36. Notifying someone that you are going out on the water is a good habit to develop. a. True b. False 37 / 55 37. If you are sailing downwind in strong wind, you should move your body towards the stern of the sailboard. a. True b. False 38 / 55 38. What tack is Boat A on? a. Port b. Starboard 39 / 55 39. What tack is Boat B on? a. Port b. Starboard 40 / 55 40. What tack is Boat C on? a. Port b. Starboard 41 / 55 41. What point of sail is Boat A on? Check 42 / 55 42. What point of sail is Boat B on? Check 43 / 55 43. What point of sail is Boat C on? Check 44 / 55 44. Determine whether the board tacked or jibed in each of the four drawings going from left to right. Sailboard #1: a. Tacked b. Jibed 45 / 55 45. Determine whether the board tacked or jibed in each of the four drawings going from left to right. Sailboard #2: a. Tacked b. Jibed 46 / 55 46. Determine whether the board tacked or jibed in each of the four drawings going from left to right. Sailboard #3: a. Tacked b. Jibed 47 / 55 47. Determine whether the board tacked or jibed in each of the four drawings going from left to right. Sailboard #4: a. Tacked b. Jibed 48 / 55 48. Club boats may be sailed ___________________. a. From 9 AM to 5 PM. b. Anytime. c. Anytime a Chief is present. d. During daylight hours. 49 / 55 49. With a novice rating you may sail unsupervised in winds up to: a. 7 knots b. 10 knots c. 15 knots d. 25 knots 50 / 55 50. With an intermediate rating you may sail unsupervised in winds up to: a. 7 knots b. 10 knots c. 15 knots d. 25 knots 51 / 55 51. The rescue whaler may be used by: a. Chiefs and Instructors. b. any member in case of emergency, other use only by Skippers. c. any member in case of emergency, other use only by Chiefs, Instructors, and members with a whaler rating. d. any trained member. 52 / 55 52. About how long would a moderately dressed person immersed in Union Bay in winter be capable of self-assistance? a. 3 – 10 minutes b. 45 minutes c. 2 hours d. 10 hours 53 / 55 53. Windsurfing near a lee shore can be bad for what two reasons? a. The wind is stronger and you may fall. b. Navigational rules require 300 ft. clearance on lee shores. c. Driftwood gets blown onto lee shores and you may bang up or crack your board. d. You may run aground and be unable to sail upwards to get away. 54 / 55 54. When docking or breaching, your board should __________. a. Be pointed downwind with the sail luffing. b. Be pointed into the dock to stop the board. c. Be pointed upwind with the sail luffing. 55 / 55 55. By International Regulations for Avoiding Collisions at Sea (COLREGS), in general, given two sailboats sailing and all other things equal, which boat has right-of-way? a. One sailing on port tack. b. One sailing on starboard tack. Your score is Restart quiz