Get Involved
The Washington Yacht Club is a student-run club, so all help is welcome and appreciated! Even if you are brand new to our club and/or sailing, we would love your help. Described below are a few potential opportunities for members to help support the club!
Meetings are usually held once a quarter over Zoom. At club meetings we discuss where the club is going, you can propose changes, voice your opinion, and all student members can vote!
Every week we have regular work parties to keep our fleets in good running order, eat some BBQ, and socialize. Even if you don’t know anything about boat maintenance, we encourage all new members to come to work parties. You can learn how to do a lot, from simple sail repairs to extensive fiberglassing, and there’s always something to do for all skill levels.
Instructors get a free membership the quarter that they are teaching. You only need an Intermediate rating to teach, and anyone can become an Assistant Instructors. Contact the Vice Commodore ( to let them know you are interested.
Don’t want to have a position or be a club officer but still want to help? WYC’s committees are collectives of members working to improve certain aspects of the club. Committee involvement is low-barrier and flexible, as all volunteer support is greatly appreciated. WYC’s current committees include:
Social Media & Media Collection Committee
Description: This committee facilitates the collection of photos and videos from WYC members (i.e. photos taken during lessons, Snooze and Cruise, Ithaka trips, and more) and maintains club media galleries. Additionally, this committee create posts for WYC’s social media accounts.
Club Merchandise Committee
Description: This committee creates designs, coordinates ordering, and manages stock of new club merchandise in the WYC Club Store.
Recruitment & Publicity Committee
Description: This committee leads WYC recruitment efforts which including designing recruitment posters and flyers as well as coordinating tabling sessions (most notably during Dawg Daze at the start of Fall Quarter). Additionally, this committee also works to raise awareness of the WYC around the UW campus and the greater Seattle community. merchandise in the WYC Club Store.
Database & Website Committee
Description: This committee manages and develops the WYC’s website and back-end database which tracks membership information (including active ratings, memberships, and more).
Sail Event Planning Committee
Description: This committee helps plan sailing events for WYC members including Social Sailing, Keelboat Clinics, and Windsurfing BBQs. Additionally, this committee helps facilitates WYC participation in Duck Dodge (not a WYC event).
If you’re excited about teaching, boat maintenance, or helping out with the administrative side of our club (e.g. event planning, publicity, etc.), look below for a description of positions. Contact an officer, or just come to a meeting, if you are interested in a position. As a student club, we rely completely on volunteers, but as a ‘Thank-You’ for their work, we give free memberships to our position holders.
Program Director
Social Chair
Snooze & Cruise Chair
Media Director
Advertises for the club. Past work includes designing posters/flyers, t-shirts, sweatshirts, TV ads, and conducting media interviews. Writes posts for the WYC Newsletter (the Tell Tale) and maintains the club’s photo and video libraries.
Recruitment Chair
Faculty Adviser
Fleet Captains
Ratings Examiners
Club Officers are members who are knowledgeable sailors and are passionate about the club. They enforce club rules and hold authority in all matters regarding the safety of all club operations.
The Washington Yacht Club has 3 main officers:
- Commodore (in charge of the club as a whole)
- Vice Commodore (in charge of teaching)
- Rear Commodore (in charge of social events)
We always welcome new students who are interested in becoming a chief or an officer. Check out the list of our current officers, chiefs, and how to contact them!